Some people seem often to bring home lots of sweepstakes prizes, while others win nearly nothing. Many people think it completely attributes to luck, and frequent winners use smart tactics to gain more winnings. Entering sweepstakes intelligently by creating a plan, you can dramatically increase your chances to win. The following list show you five tips which to improve your chances of
winning sweepstakes prizes.
First, Focus Your Effort.
Maybe you have noticed that there are more contests running than you could possibly enter on any sweepstakes listing. It's a good idea to make your efforts on prizes that you really want to win. Don't pay your attention to entering for those prizes if you know you won't be able to attend a concert across the country. Instead, focus your energy on the giveaways with prizes you really want to win.
Second, Enter as Many Sweepstakes as Possible.
Try to enter as many different
sweepstakes as you can. If you enter a single giveaway, you'll have to get a lot of luck to gain the winnings. But if you enter hundreds of different prize competitions each month, the likelihood of a win soars. So, enter many different sweepstakes as possible.
Third, Emphasize Sweepstakes with Lots of Prizes.
The more prizes a sweepstake offers, the better your chances to win. It will be much easier to win a giveaway that is awarding 100 prizes than a giveaway with a single prize. Even if some of the prizes are smaller in value, you'll feel encouraged when you receive the notification that you have won the prizes.
Fourth. Look for Sweepstakes that Restrict Entries from Other States.
Since each state has its own rules governing sweepstakes, some sponsors will prohibit entry from residents of particular states. Some states, like Florida, New York, and Rhode Island, are commonly excluded from large sweepstakes. However, California and Utah are rarely included in sweepstakes sponsored by wineries or beer breweries. Because of more expensive shipping fees to the states Hawaii and Alaska, they are often left out.
Fifth, Prioritize Sweeps with Restrictions by Age or Gender.
Some sponsors have strict requirements on specific age ranges or genders when participate entries. For instance, most sweepstakes allow entry by people over 18 years of age, but some restrict entry to above 21. The restrictions cut down your competition and increase your odds if you are above 25 years of age.